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Parent Guide

The Parent Guide is a resource to distribute to parents whose children are involved with the juvenile justice system.

The brochure can be modified to include local resources and phone numbers only in the blank space provided. Once you have included your information, you can print the document for distribution. (Note: The information you provide cannot be saved on this document.)

Instructions for Inserting Local Information:

Click in the blank space of the document (under “Missouri Juvenile Detention Standards” in the 3rd column on page 1). Type in agency contact information you want to have available to parents

Instructions for Inserting Local Information:

Click in the blank space of the document (under “Missouri Juvenile Detention Standards” in the 3rd column on page 1). Type in agency contact information you want to have available to parents

Instructions for folding the brochure:

This is a quad-fold document. When folded correctly, Lady Justice will be the front cover, Resources will be the back cover.

Make sure the brochure is printed on both sides of the paper and the printing is not upside-down.

The side with Lady Justice is the front side, the side with The Jurisdiction of The Juvenile/Family Court in the upper left is the back side.

Place the brochure with the back side facing up.

Fold the paper in half, i.e., the right side over to the left side. (You should now be looking at Definitions continued, with Disposition in the upper left corner.)

Match up the paper edges and corners and crease well.

Fold the paper in half again, i.e., left side over to the right side.

Match up the paper edges and corners and crease well.

Click here to download the Parent Guide Brochure (English Version) | (Spanish Version)