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Missouri Models

Court Services


This program is Cass County’s bold step toward a more Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) system. Based on the national model, BARJ seeks to balance three goals: accountability, public safety and competency development. FACE-TO-FACE began in 2006, serving victims of juvenile crime in conjunction with the Cass County First Offender Community Initiated Sanctions and Services (FOCISS) program. Continued funding from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Missouri Department of Public Safety makes it possible for FACE-TO-FACE to offer services to all stakeholders of juvenile crime in Cass County and to expand juvenile restorative justice programs.

Cass, County of
101 West Market Street, Suite 101
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Mr. Dale Buckingham
(660) 422-7418


In late March of 2007 the Center for Dispute Resolution (CDR) launched Greene County’s first Juvenile Victim-Offender Mediation (VOM) program. Today the CDR has over 30 trained volunteers, and the program is regularly receiving referrals.



Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri is responding to help meet the needs of children in the foster care system and/or at risk for entering the juvenile justice system. They provide one-to-one mentoring and comprehensive support services to youth, ages 5-17, and their families. Throughout its 93 year history, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri has proven that mentoring works and is proposing that this program will reduce the number of juvenile court referrals from young people who are at-risk for becoming system involved.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri
4625 Lindell Blvd., Suite 501
St. Louis, MO 63108
Ms. Kate Dopuch
(314) 361-5900


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Missouri offers nearly forty years of success in mentoring. We are expanding the scope of our program to serve at-risk children in Boone, Audrain and Callaway Counties. We are now engaging more middle school and junior high students, focusing on Lee Elementary School in Columbia, and finding new ways to recruit mentors. We are building on innovative programming and recruiting in Year One to match 120 children with mentors in Year Two. BBBS of Central Missouri strives to impact children’s social competencies, whereby affecting in a positive manner the choices they make on their paths to becoming caring, competent and confident adults.

Big Brothers Big Sisters-Columbia
800 North Providence
Columbia, MO 65203
Ms. Kerrie Bloss
(573) 874-3677


The Blue Eye R-V school district’s Chronic Truancy Initiative is a program devoted to reducing absenteeism within our schools. Our program employs a School Resource Officer whose primary duty is to investigate chronic truancy cases and provide comprehensive case management services to students who are excessively absent from school.

Blue Eye School District
PO Box 105
Blue Eye, MO 65611
Mr. Ben Johnson
(417) 779-5332


Girls in Control is a series of eight week, gender specific, programs for young females that engages them in topics, projects, and activities to increase their self-esteem, decrease bullying, address substance use, and promotes positive peer groups. In addressing these needs, a decrease in the likelihood of delinquency is expected. The project allows us to engage about 110 third through eighth grade females in SMART Girls, GoGirlGo, Odd Girl Out/Girls’ Circle, Youth for Unity programs, and SMART Sisters.

Boys and Girls Club of Poplar Bluff
P.O. Box 55
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Mr. Leroy James
(573) 776-1690


Youth Prevention Services (YPS) is a comprehensive counseling program targeting at-risk, pre-adjudicated youth, ages 9-16, who have been referred by Jackson County Family Court Services Truancy Court and area schools. The focus is primarily on the Hickman Mills C-1 district. YPS is a primary prevention program with the goal of preventing at-risk youth from entering the juvenile justice system. Service provision includes the use of specific assessment and treatment tools for participants who have experienced trauma and/or abuse.

Child Abuse Prevention Association-CAPA
503 East 23rd Street
Independence, MO 64055
Ms. Karen Costa

(816) 252-8388


The Moving Ahead Program is based on the START program (Striving Together to Achieve a Rewarding Tomorrow) by the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA). This is a well recognized at-risk youth prevention program. Columbia Housing Authority Low Income Services’ (CHALIS) 2007 Title II request helps fund the following staff positions: Family Services/School Communication Coordinator, At-Risk Youth Programming Coordinator, Community Policing/Juvenile Justice Communication Coordinator, five At-Risk Youth Programming Assistants, and two Van Drivers.

Columbia Housing Authority (CHA)
201 Switzler Street
Columbia, MO 65203
Mr. Ron Schmidt

STAND UP NOW “Stand Up Now”

(SUN) is a program for juvenile girls, 9-17 yr. olds, that teaches “at risk” girls and their parents a curriculum focused on self-esteem, family strengthening, drug/alcohol abuse and refusal skills, anger management, domestic violence prevention, child abuse & neglect prevention, career awareness and job readiness. The parents attend classes for first for six weeks. The girls attend classes throughout the year. SUN is based on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) “best practice” model, “Creating Lasting Family Connections.” The girls meet three times a week, M/W/TH, from 4:30-7:30 pm, during the school year. In June, July and August, a week long day camp is held. This is an excellent opportunity for the girls to have a concentrated time each month to learn the curriculum, have a lot of fun, and build relationships with the staff.

Destiny of HOPE
7 East Ash Street
Columbia, MO 65203
Ms. Judy Hubbard
(573) 449-9625


Future Well-being of Mankind, a non-profit faith-based organization in rural Missouri, has implemented a Connecting Youth Program for at-risk youth ages 9-17. FWBM’s Connecting Youth Program, with the assistance of the Department of Public Safety, implemented a diversion project to help youth make healthier choices; build resilience against drugs and alcohol; and minimize injurious behaviors toward themselves and others. The program runs four cycles of fifteen weeks each. Referrals are received from the 10th Judicial Juvenile Court Systems.

Future Wellbeing of Mankind
P.O. Boz 179
Paris, MO 65270
Mr. Harold Dewayne Long
(660) 627-6072


The 37th Judicial Circuit-Juvenile Division’s Chronic Truancy Initiative is a program devoted to reducing chronic absenteeism in the West Plains R-7 School District. Our program employs a full-time School Resource Officer whose primary duty is to investigate chronic truancy cases and provide comprehensive case management services to those students who are excessively absent from school.

Howell, County of
111 Walnut
P.O. Box 467
West Plains, MO 65775
Mr. Stan Smith
(417) 256-2432


This is a “best practices” model program called The Incredible Years and is being developed in three phases. The initial year was the development of The Basic Parenting Component. The second year saw the development of The Advanced parenting component. The third year will develop The Child Social Skills and Problem Solving Training Program (small group treatment program).

Kirksville R-III Schools
1901 East Hamilton
Kirksville, MO 63501
Ms. Cindy L. Dowis
(660) 626-1400


The Preventing Substance Use/Delinquent Behaviors program provides two different, age-appropriate, programs for at-risk youth in Perry County. Using the model curriculum Life skills, training is provided in such areas as media influence, making decisions, and resisting peer pressure. Service projects and healthy alternative activities are incorporated into the program. A youth conference for eighth graders is held to assist them in making responsible choices.

Perry County Community Task Force
406 North Spring Street, Suite 4
Perryville, MO 63775
Ms. Jeanette Klobe
(573) 547-1292


The Poplar Bluff School-Based Mentoring Program provides students, as identified as high risk of school or social failure, with caring adults as mentors. Each mentor, under the supervision of the Mentoring Coordinators, will spend at least one hour each week with his or her assigned youth eating lunch, playing games, working on homework or discussing issues that are troubling the student.

Poplar Bluff R-I Schools
986 Highway AA
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Ms. Brenda Allen
(573) 785-4392


With the goal of the program to divert youth from entering the juvenile justice system, Presbyterian Children’s Services program, Mentoring At-Risk Youth, will provide field-based mentoring services to thirty youth, ages 6-17. These are youths who are in foster care; under case management by the Missouri Alliance for Children and Families in Northeast Missouri; and within the specific counties of Boone, Callaway, Randolph and Howard. Each young person will receive at least one hour of mentoring services per week for up to 12 months.

Presbyterian Childrens’s Services
811 N. Fifth St.
Moberly, MO 65270
Ms. Anita Keisling-Caver
(660) 263-4624


Ripley County Caring Community Partnership is pleased to announce CASASTART (Striving Together to Achieve Rewarding Tomorrows, a program of the Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse). CASASTART is a community-based, school-centered program designed to keep high-risk 8 to 13 year old youths free of substance abuse and criminal involvement. This program is an effective best practice model program that identifies a complex number of risk and protective factors. CASASTART is a comprehensive case management program encompassing the school, community, law enforcement, at-risk youth, and their families.

Ripley County Caring Community Partnership
209 West Highway Street
Doniphan, MO 63935
Ms. Lisa Aden
(573) 996-7980


Rose Brooks Center, Inc. offers an engaging program for at-risk children (ages 3-5 years old) in 12 different pre-school and Head Start programs in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Project SAFE Preschool Program is designed specifically to prevent violence and juvenile delinquency by teaching skills and awareness at an early age. The goal is to reduce impulsivity and aggressive behavior in children while increasing social competency through the use of the widely recognized and proven, evidenced based, curriculum Second Step.

Rose Brooks Center, Inc.
P. O. Box 320599
Kansas City, MO 64132
Ms. Stephanie Milby
(816) 523-5550


The Intersection is continuing its All Stars Life Skills Program. The “Basic” program is open to new teens. For those who have already graduated from the basic program, they will attend the All Stars Booster program to reinforce the positive life skills already gained, while providing a supportive, mentoring environment for continued positive behaviors.

The Intersection
7 East Sexton Road
Columbia, MO 65203
Ms. Dana Battison
(573) 819-0089



The Robert L. Perry Juvenile Justice Center has initiated a substance abuse intervention program. A contracted therapist provides services to youths who are, or have been, residents at the detention center. While Medicaid will reimburse for some of the services, it does not cover everything. This grant covers the cost of the additional services provided that Medicaid does not reimburse for, as well as the costs associated with the reentry and aftercare programming, resource materials, and for drug tests during the aftercare program thereafter.

Boone, County of
Bruce Normile Juvenile Justice Center
5665 North Roger I Wilson Memorial Drive
Columbia, MO 65202
Mr. Pete Schmersahl
(573) 886-4450


This is an aftercare/re-entry program that starts with a positive detention environment through which juveniles who have been detained receive services for a successful release home. A release treatment plan is developed to build skills and provide a continuum of aftercare supervision and services. Whenever possible, cases for release are expedited.

Greene, County of
Greene County Juvenile Detention Center
1111 North Robberson
Springfield, MO 65802
Ms. Marie Swope
(417) 829-6105


The Reentry and Aftercare Functional Family Therapy Program uses some of the most effective evidence-based interventions known to help high-risk juvenile offenders returning to their homes so they may integrate successfully back into the community. The program includes training for a Family Court staff member in the area of interventions so as to sustain the program beyond the grant period.

Jackson, County of
2729 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108
Mr. Mel Bockelman
(816) 881-6512

Title V – Community Prevention Block Grants


The goal of this program is to reduce the risks for 15 referred youth and their families (an anticipated 22 siblings and 20 parents) by keeping them on track in terms of the law, behavior, school attendance, program participation, and academic performance. Using the CASASTART (Striving Together to Achieve Rewarding Tomorrows, a program of the Center of Addiction and Substance Abuse) model, Columbia’s Youth with Promise employs the eight basic core components as an effective means to provide services to the target population. For this program the city partnered with four additional organizations: Youth Community Coalition, the Columbia Housing Authority, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Central Missouri, and the Rainbow House. These agencies also collaborate with the public school district, the juvenile office, and the police department to meet the needs of population served.

Columbia, City of
P.O. Box 6015
Columbia, MO 65205
Mr. Steve Hollis
(573) 874-7488


The goal of this program is to increase juvenile delinquency program support, improve pro-social behaviors, and increase accountability. Within the 3-year program plan, five communities will support a minimum of 165 parents and 225 youth. Within the first program year, those five communities will support a minimum of 55 parents and 75 youths as they learn skills that will increase family attachments and strengthen refusal skills for use at home, at school, and in the community.

Mississippi, County of
P.O. Box 249
East Prairie, MO 63845
Martha Ellen Black
(573) 649-3731

Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Programs (JABG)


The Missouri School Violence Hotline is a coordinated means to report school violence and safety concerns. By calling the toll free number, a hotline employee will take information on violence occurring on school property, on the school bus, at the bus stop, and while in route to and from school. The Missouri School Violence Hotline accepts calls on threats, weapons, fights, assaults, bullying, sexual misconduct, theft, property destruction, cyber bullying, gang activity, and other acts violent in nature. The one-on-one process of allowing youth and other concerned citizens to report anonymously is critical to preventing or stopping acts of school violence.

State of Missouri
Division of Children’s Services
615 Howerton Court
Jefferson City, MO 65103
Bonnie Washeck
(573) 751-8927

Pass Through Awards (75%)


Juveniles who have committed law violations, and subsequently have become involved in the juvenile system, have a history of making poor choices and then not practicing responsibility for those choices. The Robert L. Perry Juvenile Justice Center uses these JABG funding for art and music instructors, non-violent crisis intervention training for staff, and for transportation expenses of youth to and from court or other activities associated with the accountability programs.

Boone, County of
Robert L. Perry Juvenile Justice Center
5665 N. Roger I. Wilson Memorial Drive
Columbia, MO 65201
Pete Schmersahl
(573) 886-4450


The goal of this grant is to maintain an additional Deputy Juvenile Officer who works directly with juveniles. The additional staff will help divert juveniles from further involvement in the legal system and by helping them and their families to better understand the court process.

Greene, County of
Greene County Juvenile Justice Center
1111 North Robberson
Springfield, MO 65802
Kyle O’Dell
(417) 829-6180


The “Sentenced to the Arts” Program for adjudicated juveniles has proven to be successful within our county. “Sentenced to the Arts” uses art, music, and drama therapy to help the traditional therapist modify youth’s undesirable behaviors and provide them with more positive interpersonal skills. The program is designed to reduce recidivism by providing outlets for positive forms of expression, identifying more quickly the problems with a youth and reducing the display of negative behaviors. This is all done to help lead the youth to an increased connection with the community.

Jackson, County of
415 East 12th Street, 11th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106
Angela C. Castle
(816) 881-3113


The St. Charles County Family Court’s mission with juvenile offenders is to hold them accountable for their delinquent conduct with the goal to reduce the likelihood that they will re-offend. It is this mission which has driven the development of most Court programs or services.

St. Charles, County of
Family Court of St. Charles County
1700 South River Road
St. Charles, MO 63303
Raymond J. Grush
(314) 949-3040


Levels of youth firearm violence in St. Louis are considerably higher than for the United States as a whole. During the 1990’s, St. Louis has consistently ranked in the top five cities for homicide rates. A similar high crime pattern also applies to other felonies and misdemeanors with the City of St. Louis. Regrettably, many of these crimes are also committed by juveniles. Mirroring national patterns are young black males, especially those aged 15-24, who are the most likely victims of homicides in St. Louis.

St. Louis, City of
City of St. Louis Neighborhood Stabilization Team
1200 Market Street, Room 418
St. Louis, MO 63103
William D. Flowers
(314) 622-4628